Delimbo gallery organized the event “Un tatuaje en la piel que habito” (trans: A tattoo on the skin I live in) in the “3000 Viviendas”, Sevilla. The 3000 viviendas or Las vegas is a famous gipsy neighborhood, known for its illegal activities… It’s been obviously abandoned from basic council maintenance and authorities are no welcome. We were expecting a hard time in the hood but as usually in these case, with the help of local associations, everything went more than well and the neighbors were delighted with our works.
I decided to make a cement that would look like a rosace so it would give a sacred atmosphere to a place that is more sensed as a dodgy ghetto rather than a church… It’s all about perceptions. Once again, the theme deals with people getting together and spreading good vibrations around.
If you are interested in purchasing art pieces or for any other matter mail me at